I chanced upon Kristiana Parn’s art on Etsy and I was smitten. I don’t think it’s difficult to see why. Charming and fanciful, her work is very unique. Born and raised in Estonia, Kristiana now creates from her studio in Brooklyn, New York. She says she’s experimented with different techniques to create an impression of light and air in her art which is beautifully evident. The colours are bold yet soft with lots of rusts and aqua blue tones dominating. This coupled with the almost gentleness of the animals depicted makes for art so, so charming and so beautiful. These would make a truly lovely addition to any nursery wall or play space. You can buy Kristiana Parn prints on her Etsy store Krisblues for $20 each plus $5 shipping to the UK. But if you’re after an original, head to Kristiana Parn’s own site where you can find out more.

Love this! It’s cute without being cutesy.
That is the perfect description.