Entries Tagged as 'best kids books'

Infinity and Me

June 1, 2015

infinity and me kids book

Anya has been asking a lot of questions about infinity lately.  I’ve tried explaining the concept to her but it isn’t an easy concept for a six year old to understand – I only just about understand it myself! :).  Her interest in infinity started when she asked what the biggest number in the world was.  I told her about infinity and for a while she thought that the biggest number in the world was infinity because she just couldn’t grasp the idea that numbers never finish.  But then I came across this book called Infinity and Me and it seemed like just the book to help in explaining infinity to children.

explaining infinity to children

Infinity and Me is about a little girl who gazes up at the night sky and starts to feel very small in the vastness of the sky.  She begins to wonder about infinity and just what exactly infinity means.  She starts asking everyone she meets and soon realises that maybe there are infinite ways to explain infinity.  Infinity and Me is a very simple and sweet book with illustrations that are equally adorable.  It’s a great first book to give some meaning and relevance to the concept of infinity to kids.  While the main character in the book happens to be a girl, I think this book is equally suited for boys as it is for girls.  Any child curious about infinity would enjoy Infinity and Me.

the wolfs whistle nobrow

If you’ve read this blog for a while, you’ll know how much I love kids books.  And every time I come across a great book, I love sharing it here.  While I love many of the better known kids books, I also love searching for lesser known gems and today I have one such gem for you.  The The Wolf’s Whistle is a book I am so glad I came across.  At it’s simplest form it is a twisted tale of the Three Little Pigs and the big bad wolf.  But this book is so much more.  It could be the story of how the wolf came to be so bad or even how superheroes are made.  It features a lone wolf called Albert who is a bit of a misfit.  He and his group of three friends, none of whom really fit in, are tormented by the ‘honeyroast brothers’ – three enormous pigs!  Albert has a dream of becoming a comic book artist and his story continues from childhood in to his adulthood where tragedy befalls him and yes the ‘honeyroast brothers’ are involved.

The wolfs whistle book

The Wolf’s Whistle is not only a great read but also the illustrations are beautiful.  The drawings are created in a retro style which works so well with the story.  The book is aimed at 5 to 8 year old kids but I think the upper end of this age group will appreciate it better.  Anya enjoyed the story and loved looking at the pictures but couldn’t fully understand the subtleties in the book.  For her it is a simple story of a good wolf and bad pigs but that is what is so appealing about this book – it will grow with her and I see her reading it several times over the years.  I love this book for it’s originality and the beautiful illustrations.

Have you come across any lesser know kids books that are unmissable?  Do let me know in the comments.

Once Upon an Alphabet

February 24, 2015

Once Upon an Alphabet Oliver Jeffers

Now that Anya is six, I have been introducing quite a few longer, chapter books to her as I think she is ready to follow more involved stories.  Some have been really good, others not so much.  While we are experimenting with these longer books, we are definitely not ready to give up our picture books anytime soon.  Anya is still young and loves looking at pictures in books especially ones where the pictures tell part of the story or add an element of humour and fun.  Some picture books can be a bit babyish but there are plenty of far more sophisticated ones that are actually aimed at older kids like 6-7 year olds.  Once Upon an Alphabet by Oliver Jeffers is definitely one of them.

once upon an alphabetbooks for six year olds

You wouldn’t expect anyone to be recommending alphabet books for 6 year olds but this is no ordinary alphabet book. Once Upon an Alphabet by Oliver Jeffers is a collection of short stories based around the letters of the alphabet.  The stories are very short and even though they appear simple, they are packed with humour, wit and unexpected twists.  The words used in the book like ‘E for Enigma’ or ‘V for Victor the Vanquished’ are interesting new words and the accompanying illustrations are really fun too. One of my favourite stories is the one about ‘Danger Delilah’.  It’s a book that Anya and I have read together but she has also been picking it up and reading it to herself.  I’m a big fan of Oliver Jeffers and this latest book is no exception.  It’s now on my list for birthday gifts too.

{top two photo’s by ebabee, bottom photo via}

"best books for 4-6 year old kids"

We are complete bookworms in this house.  I would go so far as saying almost more then adult books, I adore kids books and get excited every time we get a new one.  Christmas is the perfect excuse for me to go a bit over the top buying new books for Anya.  Last week I shared some great activity books for kids so today I wanted to share some story books.  Most of these books are suitable for around ages 4-7 years but of course can be read out loud to younger kids too.  Some of them are old classics like Puss in Boots and Aesops Fables but I’ve picked new and exciting editions which bring something different.  We already own some of these books and love them and the rest are on our wish list:

1. Once Upon an Alphabet | 2. Aesop’s Fables | 3. Ramayana: The Divine Loophole | 4. Sparky! | 5. My Teacher is a Monster! (No, I am not) | 6. The Book With No Pictures | 7. All the animals were angry | 8. The Day The Crayons Quit | 9. Animalium (Welcome to the Museum) | 10. Pippi Longstocking | 11. Puss in Boots

"ramayana by sanjay patel"

Ramayana by Sanjay Patel is possibly one of the most beautiful kids books we’ve got.  While the book is based on Hindu mythology, it’s a simplified version of the story that any child can relate to.  The tale involves a prince, a 10 headed demon, a beautiful goddess like princess and some animals with super powers.  It’s about an adventure involving deceit, wit, friendships and good triumphing over evil.  The story is engaging and the illustrations are stunning.  Full of colour and detail, each page comes to life with pictures that tell the story as beautifully as the words.

"ramayana by sanjay patel""ramayana sanjay patel""ramayana for kids"

Since it’s a long book we’ve been reading it in chunks.  We’ve already been through it twice and I know we’ll be reading it many more times in the coming years.  Anya absolutely loves the book and will often get it out herself to look at the pictures. 

"ramayana by Sanjay patel"

Ramayana by Sanjay Patel is a book that can be appreciated by kids and adults alike.  It really is a must have book in any child’s library (Hindu or not) and also makes a beautiful gift.

{top and bottom photo by Abigail Fahey for ebabee}

I have linked up to Honest Mum’s Brilliant blog posts.

The Day The Crayons Quit

February 18, 2014

"the day the crayons quit""the day the crayons quit book"

Each time we buy a new kids book I can’t decide who’s the most excited… me, my husband or Anya!  I know I can never wait to read it and neither can Anya so we usually read it within minutes of her coming back from school.  Last week we bought The Day The Crayons Quit by Drew Daywalt and we both loved it.  It’s such a sweet, fun and unusual story about a pack of crayons that decide they’ve had enough.  The drawings by Oliver Jefferes are colourful and childlike adding to the charm of this lovely book.  We liked it so much that we’ve already bought another copy to give as a gift.

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