Entries Tagged as 'gift wrapping'

free christmas gift tags to print

This year I have been super disorganised with my Christmas shopping – I’ve still got nearly all of it to do. Eek! Really panicking now.  I’m guessing most of you are all done shopping and wrapping.  But if there are any last minute types like me, while I can’t do your Christmas shopping for you, I have rounded up some of the best free Christmas gift tags to print.  Some are cute and colourful – perfect for kids gifts while others are more minimal and stylish.  There are lots to choose from so when you do wrap your gifts, you can finish them with one of these free gift tags.

1. These minimal gift tags with messages would look great on presents wrapped in kraft paper.

2. These colour in printable gift tags are such a great idea – print and let the kids colour them in.

3. These simple & stylish gift tags would look great on any colour gift wrap.

4. How cute are these colourful gift tags?  Just adorable especially for a child’s gift.

5. These monochrome gift tags have handwritten messages on each. Pair with black wrap for a stunning looking gift.

6. These fun cowboy santa gift tags come with a colourful Texan twist! 

7. These super sweet little animal gift tags are a cute addition to any gift.

These are my favourite free Christmas gift tags to print that I found this year.  But if you want to check out some more, take a look at my previous years round-up as there are loads more there.  Here’s where you’ll find my favourite free Christmas gift tags from 2014.

DIY christmas gift wrap ideas

December is a month of giving gifts in our house. Not just with Christmas but also Anya is a December baby so we have birthday gifts to give too.  For me, the gift wrap is just as important as the gift.  After all it’s the first thing the person sees.  So I love the idea of making my own DIY gift wrap as it makes it so personal.  Recently I’ve been finding loads of gift wrap inspiration so here are 5 of the best DIY Christmas gift wrap ideas to inspire you too:

cute christmas gift wrapping ideas

I mean how cute are these sparkly animal gift wraps?  I’ve seen animal gift wraps before but I especially liked the sparkly touch on these. 

DIY christmas gift wrap ideas

These are two fun ways to get creative with ordinary wrapping paper.  With the first, just stick some pompoms on and use a bit of bakers twine or ribbon to finish and you have a unique gift wrap.  The second is so pretty too – you can find the tutorial here.  You can take this idea and make cut out trees, snowmen or whatever you like. 

DIY Christmas gift wrapping ideas

Another option is to go minimal and stylish with your DIY Christmas gift wrap. While you can buy beautiful cloth gift wraps like the one above, you can just as easily use something you have at home – think tea towels or scarves. I love the idea of giving a gift where the wrap is part of the gift too.  And the second gift is just so stylish, no?  I love the marble paper and the idea of using mini honeycomb balls as decorations.  

cute christmas gift wrap ideas

I’ve saved the cutest till last!  For all those little gifts, I can’t think of a cuter way to present them.  Not just for kids, but if you’re giving a piece of jewellery, what an adorable way to gift it to her or him. 

So, have these DIY Christmas gift wrap ideas inspired you to get creative with your wrapping?  Which one do you like best? 

Japanese cloth gift wrapping

Do you know Furoshiki?  Don’t worry, it’s not a swear word but it’s a beautiful eco-friendly Japanese tradition of wrapping gifts in cloth.  It comes from the old Japanese culture of caring for the environment and reducing waste.  Last week I was reminded of this beautiful Japanese cloth wrapping tradition when I was given a cloth wrapped gift by a cousin visiting from India.  She didn’t use a traditional Japanese cloth but instead used an Indian fabric which looked so pretty.  With the gift giving season coming up and since we’ve got a spate of birthdays before then, I thought it was a good time to start thinking gift wrapping and why not try something new and environmentally friendly this year?

Furoshiki wrapping cloths are available to buy in the most beautiful patterned Japanese fabrics.  They can be expensive compared to paper so think of them as part of the gift.  Otherwise you don’t have to restrict yourself to these – my cousin just used some off-cuts of fabric she had lying around the house so you can use practically any fabric that you have.  I’ve also seen gifts wrapped in beautiful tea towels which are very much a part of the gift. Once you get used to fabric wrapping, you can wrap practically anything in these cloths.  The Japanese don’t stop at gifts but also make pouches with handles to carry stuff around or wrap their lunch boxes in these cloths as some of the pictures above show.  I also love them for wrapping a bottle of wine – so much nicer than taking the bottle as is. 

This Japanese cloth wrapping method looks complicated but it’s actually quite straightforward – it’s kind of like origami with cloth but simpler.  In case you want some help, here is a good site showing you lots of different ways to use cloth wraps.  The site goes in to step by step instructions for different methods of cloth wrapping, making it easy to follow.  But for the simplest option, you can also get cloth wrap bags that tie at the top to make them look wrapped like in the third picture.   

Images: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |

"free printable Christmas gift tags"

Every year I share some of the best free printable Christmas gift tags from around the web.  This year I had every intention of designing my own but I didn’t plan on moving house, celebrating Anya’s birthday, launching a new venture and having Christmas all so close together!  I guess my own designs will have to wait until next year but there are some amazing free gift tags to be had out there so I’ve picked my favorites.  If you’re one of the last minute types like me (still to buy Christmas gifts!) then these labels will come in handy next week as you can just print at the very last minute and they’re way cooler and so much more unique then standard shop bought ones.

1. Wee Gallery | 2. Petit Pippin | 3. Kelli Murray | 4. Studio Morran | 5. Sanae Ishida | 6. Refresh restyle | 7. Orange you lucky | 8. Fellow fellow

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