Entries Tagged as 'kids room art'

When thinking about updating a kids room, you don’t always have to start from scratch.  There are lots of easy ways to add a fresh look without completely re-decorating and turning it in to a mammoth project.  One of my favourite ways to easily refresh a child’s room is turning the wardrobe in to a feature piece.  Wardrobes are one of the largest pieces of furniture in most bedrooms including kids rooms.  So instead of looking at them as boring must-haves, I love the idea of using the the wardrobe fronts as a space to be creative.  With a little bit of imagination, wardrobes can become a really fun feature piece in a kids bedroom.

Here are 5 fun ways to add a some personality to any wardrobe:

"ways to update an old wardrobe"

1.  A quick and easy, yet striking way to make your wardrobe feel very much a part of the room is to paint it the same colour as the wall.  This gives quite a dramatic look and works especially well with bold colours as opposed to whites or creams.

2.  Instead of creating a feature wall, turn your kids wardrobe in to one.  Wallpaper the doors in colours and styles that match the rest of the room decor.  As the image shows, using different but complimentary wallpapers is a good idea to keep it looking interesting.  I’m loving the vintage wallpaper look so much that I’m tempted to try it myself.

"how to customise your wardrobe"

3.  Wall stickers aren’t just for walls.  They a great option for almost anywhere including adding some fun to a wardrobe.  A simple white wardrobe can be transformed in to something unique.  And the best part of using stickers is that you can easily change the look as often as you like. Instead of stickers, for a really personal touch, you could even stick your child’s artworks on to the wardrobe doors making a little gallery space.

"how to update old wardrobes"

4.  This is such a great idea.  Paint the doors in chalkboard paint and your kids have a blank canvas.  Each day they can create a new master piece, rub it out and start again the next day.  And I’m sure this huge canvas will be a hit when your kids have friends over too.

5.  For a subtler look, wallpaper the inside of a wardrobe in a bold print or pattern so you can only see the splash of colour when the wardrobe doors are open.  You could also go one step further and paint the wardrobe in a complimentary colour or just stick with white for a more understated feel.

There are lots of ways to add your own personal touch to your kids room.  I especially like the idea of customising furniture because it means that you can bring an old piece back to life or you can buy an inexpensive piece of bedroom furniture from places like Homebase and give it your own creative touch.  It’s a fun project to let your kids get involved in and the best part is, it’s not permanent so you can change the look as often as you like.

This post is brought to you in partnership with Homebase.  All content, words and ideas are my own.  Thank you for supporting my work with carefully selected partners that support this blog.

Image credits: 1. | 2. | 3. | 4. | 5.

"random kids style collage 1"I’ve been collecting a selection of stylish things, ideas and thoughts I’ve liked for a while and today I thought I would share some of them with you.  Hope you like them too!

1.  simple kids room styling…  2. chunky knits on kids…  3.  bright pink and red together…  4.  apostrophe magnets for your fridge… 5. always remember to love yourself…  6. a mini cloud for your daughters wrist.

Have a wonderful weekend!

"modern nursery bedding and cushions""cute rugs for kids rooms""modern nursery boutique uk"I’m loving this cute store that I just discovered.  The Modern Baby was started by Suzanne, a mama who had a vision of a store full of things that would grow with your child.  The Modern Baby has lots of colourful nursery and kids room decorations, bed linen, soft toys and so much more.  The product styles include modern, vintage and retro and the looks are all stylish and fun. It’s probably one of the best nursery ranges I’ve come across in a UK store.  I’m especially loving the way they’ve photographed their products which perfectly reflects the stores playful and stylish personality.  All the products featured are sold by The Modern Baby and the beautiful styling is thanks to talented design agency Supa Frank where you can see lots more photos to drool over.  While The Modern Baby is based in the UK they ship worldwide so go take a look… there’s lots to discover.


"world map wallpaper kids rooms"One of my biggest personal ambitions is to see as much of the world as I can and to share this experience with my husband and daughter.  I love discovering new cultures, cuisines and places that can seem so different yet familiar at the same time.  It fascinates me that the world is getting smaller and nearly everywhere is so accessible these days.  My husband and I have a list of places we ‘need’ to visit and are working our way through these whenever we can.  Top of our list for a long while had been Argentina and Uruguay and we eventually got there this January.  It was a thrill!  New list topper is China and we hope to make it there sometime in the next year or two.  We do spend far too much time dreaming about all the places we could see right away if we won the lottery… but then again, everyone’s got to have dreams! "map art in kids rooms"We would love our 4 year old daughter to grow up with a curiosity about our small world, about different yet similar cultures, about food and new experiences.  To encourage her we bought her a globe for her room and play silly, made-up travel games centered around where she lives, where her extended family live and where she’s going on holiday.  Now I’m considering re-doing her room and I’m thinking of complementing the globe with a map of the world on the wall.  She can then pin pictures, souvenirs, postcards or whatever she likes and really make it her personal map.  But I also think maps make lovely wall art and are as great as any other art for any room in the home.  "maps in kids rooms"So I  went on the hunt for some kids rooms with maps and the above are what I found.  The choices are many ranging from vintage to modern and single countries to the entire world.  They can be as colourful and artistic or as traditional and accurate as you like.  I’m also loving the idea of having a globe light.  Maps are great for encouraging a child to want to know more about our world or their country but they are fabulous wall candy too.

Image credits: 1. Mr Perswall…  2. Babble…  3. Room to bloom…  4. Decopeques…  5. Apartment therapy

"jon klassen extra yarn"Sometimes I think I’m more drawn to kids art than to art aimed at adults.  It’s rare that I come across an affordable artist where I feel I’d love to own his work but with kids art it happens pretty often.  I wonder if that says something about me?!  Maybe I’m just a big kid at heart and maybe that’s why I am so drawn to Jon Klassen’s illustrations. "jon klassen rabbit"You may remember a book called I want my hat back that I wrote about a while ago.  Jon Klassen was the author and illustrator and while he’s written a couple of great kids books, it’s his illustrations that really capture my imagination.  He does all kinds of projects but also illustrates for other kids authors and his pictures are so good that many are sold as prints or even originals. "jon klassen beach walk"Jon illustrates a lot of animals and many landscapes or outdoor scenes.  While I love the landscapes and would love one for my walls one day, it’s the animal illustrations that are truly mesmerizing.  His style is so distinctive and original and each animal has so much character.  I think Jon Klassen could be my favourite kids illustrator and if you like his work too you can find a selection at Gallery Nucleus.

Feeling green…

May 17, 2013

"green kids room decorations"Yesterday my daughter had a play date with another little girl and they got hooked on the colour green.  The two girls kept saying ‘green’ louder and louder and then bursting in to fits of laughter.  They then started adding an extra word and coming up with things like ‘green toast’, ‘green dog’… the idea being to pair it with something that most definitely isn’t green.  This produced more laughter and eventually the inevitable bathroom humour ensued followed by the loudest giggles ever!  I don’t know how 4 year old minds work but I do know this little game tickled them pink!  While I didn’t take part in the game, it did get me thinking of the colour green and I realised I’d never done a green post.  I always think that green isn’t a colour I’m naturally drawn to but then again there are so many shades of it that there really is a green for everyone (my personal favourite is mint green) and so I thought it would be fun to look for a few things in different shades of green and here’s what I found:

1.  green linen sunsuit by wolfechild…  2.  minty green toddler duvet set by garbo & friends…  3.  forest green firs pillowcase by fine little day…  4.   shades of green bird poster by silke bonde…  5.  ice-cream green playhouse by lucky boy sunday…  6. dark green book called Grandpa Green by Lane Smith.

Happy weekend all and see you next week!

"black and white kids room ideas"I remember when I was around 13, there was a girl in my school who only ever wore black.  Occasionally she would wear little hints of white or grey but the dominating colour from head to toe was always black.  I seriously thought she was the coolest kid I’d ever seen!  I’ve always loved black and even several years on this obsession with black has never waned.  When I see a piece of clothing in a shop, it can come in every colour under the sun and I will always be drawn to the black one.  Over the years I’ve taught myself to have more colour in my wardrobe especially for Spring and Summer but in Winter it’s back to black!  Now this black obsession is creeping in to my decorating ideas and I’m thinking of re-doing my daughters room in black and white.  So I’ve been looking around for kids room decorations that are not only black and white but are also simple, unfussy and uncluttered in their design.  These were my top picks:

1.  Heart poster… 2. Polka dot wall stickers… 3. Sheep mobile… 4. Striped blanket… 5. Striped cloud cushion… 6. Tica chair… 7. Mickey Mouse pillow.

Hope you all have a great weekend!  See you next week…

"black and white nursery art"My brother and sister-in-law are total art lovers and wherever they travel they pick up a painting by a local artist as a souvenir.  I think this is such a lovely way of remembering your travels and combining your love of art.  They always try and buy an original because given a choice I think anyone would opt for this over a print and very often you can get your hands on originals for not a lot of money.  While there is a lot of great original art out there, it’s not often that I come across cool original paintings for kids and so when I saw these by Adriane Duckworth I had to share.  The art is delightfully simple yet striking and I love the uncomplicated nature of the drawings.  My favourites are the black and white animal paintings and I love the black clouds too but there are some bright coloured ones available as well.  While Adriane’s style is minimalist and modern, it has plenty of warmth and cuteness too!  You can see more and checkout her selection at Society 6.

"pink and grey kids room ideas"I’m always dreaming of re-decorating every room in the house.  Today I’m loving pink and grey for my daughters room.  Grey isn’t the most obvious choice for a kids room but with a dash of pink I think it works so well.  Personally, I’d even go for just grey with lots of white but today I wanted to add a bit of pink to the mix.  This kind of colour scheme and decor also really appeals to my minimalist side.  When i started putting this board together I knew I would like the end result but I didn’t realise quite how much this colour scheme would appeal to me.  Hope you like it too…

1.  Harlequin wallpaper… 2.  Knitted flag garland… 3.  Circus print… 4. 3D Olephants mobile… 5.  Soft pink lacquered chair… 6. Beauty baby doll… 7.  Sonny angel doll… 8.  Floral print beanbag…  9.  Starry cloud cushion

From Sweden with love…

December 5, 2012

"scandinavian design for kids"

Whenever I used to hear someone mention Sweden or when I saw something Swedish I’d always think of one of my closest and oldest friends who is half Swedish.  Sadly we now live continents apart but luckily it’s one of those friendships where this doesn’t matter at all.  Now when I hear the word Sweden, I fleetingly think of my friend and then my mind just gets flooded with thoughts of wonderful Swedish design!  The Swedes, and the other Scandinavians too have a design sense that is second to none and I’m very drawn to their aesthetic.  So when I discover a new Swedish shop I get very excited as I know it’s going to be good even before I check out what they sell.  And that’s exactly what happened with Le Kiosk.

Le Kiosk is a new Swedish store which sells goodies that are sourced from all over the world but each piece has the Scandinavian touch of being simple, light and bright in style.  In their kids section you’ll find fun crafty things like the {make your own} house box and the pretty washi tape covered pencils… {forget the kids, I’d love some of these for myself!}  There are also the cutest kimono baby slippers on offer and some cool mini woollen blankets plus loads of unusual posters and prints.  What I love most about Le Kiosk is that a lot of their carefully selected offerings are handmade and as a result very unusual. 

P.S. Have you seen our Christmas gift guides for kids and mama’s?

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