Entries Tagged as 'linen dress'

Tortoise and the Hare

September 24, 2015

bunny ears baby hatlinen bunny cape coatbunny-ears-hat-babynatural linen dress for girlsbaby hat with bunny earslinen baby overalls

When my mum was visiting over the Summer from India, she would often browse my blog and commented on the beautiful kids clothes you get these days.  She mentioned that when we were growing up there really wasn’t much choice but now there is not only such a lot more but also something for every budget and taste.  I couldn’t agree more – we are so spoiled for choice that sometimes it feels like there is almost too much.  But then a new range like Tortoise & the Hare comes out and I think, let these new kids creations never stop.  Let these talented makers keep on creating beautiful new lines of kids clothes.  After all in the adult fashion world there is incredible choice so why shouldn’t kids have the same?

While Tortoise & the Hare clothes are beautiful, the story behind the clothes is equally special.  All the baby and kids clothes are made on a family farm in Pennsylvania where the owner Rosina grew up and still lives.  The clothes are hand stitched by seamstresses who were taught to sew by their mothers.  Rosina is drawn to colours found in nature like the blue sky and nearly ripened wheat which is where the colour palette for her clothes comes from.  The whole range is natural and made in linens and chambray fabrics but also how incredibly cute is it?  That bunny cape and the bunny ears baby hat – too adorable! 

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