Entries Tagged as 'maxi dress'

maxi dresses for little girlsmaxi dress for 6 year old girlgirls long dress Zara

I have been looking for a maxi dress for Anya for ages.  I really wonder why maxi dresses for little girls are so rare.  They may not be the most practical for playing in a park or running around but they are great for other occasions like a meal out or even a birthday party.  I finally found one last week and I had to snap it up.  They look so cool and stylish and Anya loved wearing it and twirling around.  In fact it’s been a struggle to get it off her – she even wanted to sleep with it on!

We decided to pair it with orange ankle boots to give the maxi dress a bit more of an edgier look.  Sandals would have been the obvious choice but I didn’t want too girly a look.   And besides we’re still waiting for proper sandal weather in London – will it ever come?  While out in the dress so many people stopped us and asked where the dress was from. We were mostly stopped by mums who also wanted a long dress for their little girls.  Have you come across any maxi dresses for little girls?  I’d love to hear as I would like to get a couple more for the Summer.

{Anya wears long printed dress and orange ankle boots}

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