Entries Tagged as 'social media'

"print your instagram photos"

… and keep them forever.  This year I’ve decided to get better at actually printing my photos.  There’s no point taking a load of pictures that end up stuck on a hard drive somewhere or on your phone or social networks.  There’s something much more special about holding your pictures.  And with all the creative printing options on offer, there really isn’t any excuse.  I recently found Pinstagr.am and it’s the perfect way to print all your instagram photos, especially if you use instagram a lot.  I love the teeny little books they offer as well as the stickers of your instagram photos but there are loads more fun products.  Apart from keeping memories for myself, I think they’d make inexpensive little gifts for my mum, brother and other close family who don’t live in this country so feel they’re missing out on Anya growing up.  Pinstagr.am are US based but they offer a reasonable worldwide flat shipping rate. 

Have a wonderful weekend!

"new adventures"This is a slight departure from my regular posts but I had to share.  Sometime ago I read a quote saying ‘Do more of what makes you happy’.  Obvious advice it maybe, but most of us (me included) don’t do it.  Family and friends aside, blogging, making new discoveries for this blog, promoting mum designers and learning so much along the way makes me happy.  So when my friend and fellow blogger Babes About Town asked me to join hands with her (and 6 other bloggers) to create Mothers & Shakers, there was no way I could say no.  What is Mothers & Shakers:  simply put, it’s doing the things that make me happy but instead of doing it just for me, we do it for others.  We help others build their blogs or small businesses, we help others find their online space and voice, we help others get themselves out there and we help others avoid the mistakes we made along the way.

Mothers & Shakers is made up of 8 women, mums, bloggers, social media experts, writers… call us what you will.  We’re each very different individuals who come from continents apart (Chile to New Zealand via India and everywhere in between) who found each other amidst thousands of bloggers because we share a common ground:  we love what we do, we believe in what we do and we do it well, everyday.  If you’re a small business, a blogger, or someone just thinking about carving out your corner on the world wide web we can help you do it.  And we’re especially passionate about helping mums.

From a more personal perspective I love a new adventure and this is sure to be one.  It’s an adventure that is an extension of what I love doing already but on a bigger scale and with 7 others who feel the same way.  I considered using the word ‘venture’ instead of ‘adventure’ but it lacked the buzz and excitement we’re all feeling in abundance about our new project.  So adventure it is.  If you want to know more about our adventure and how we can help you just drop us a line.

*photo via Quiksilver Women.

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