Colour love: Blue

December 5, 2011

"blue nirsery decor,blue toys,blue clothes for girls and boys"

If you’re a regular here, you’ll know that I’m not a blue for boy and pink for girl type of mama.  Blue can be just as much for girls as it can be for boys.  So with that in mind, I’ve found some lovely blue nursery decorations, toys and clothes some for boys, some for girls but mostly things that are for both.

1.  Soft and girly butterfly wings to wear or even hang on the wall by Christa Davis.

2.  A little car kit that you put together and decorate with the included crayons by Fidoodle.

3.  Sweet, sweet bamboo elephant mobile with big blue ears by Petit Collage.

4.  A beautiful powder blue bench for a kids bedroom or a play space by Guy and Brown.*

5.  A cute hand made felt singing bird soft toy by Colourland on etsy.

6.  A house shaped toy storage box by Rice DK available from Nettle Green.

7.  Adorable birdie coat pegs or door handles by Zachary Dickory Dock.

8.  A cool ribbed hooded jumper in electric blue by Stella McCartney kids.

P.S. Have you seen our Orange colour love goodies?  Also, if blue floats your boat, you can check out our turquoise nursery furniture and decor ideas.

*Via Handmade Charlotte

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