Wow! Goldilocks, Rapunzel, 3 Little Pigs, The Ugly Duckling… they’re all here but not as we know them. When I came across these kids room posters of classic fairytales, I couldn’t quite believe my eyes. I never imagined it would be possible to strip down these cute kiddy classics to such a level of minimalism. And it works. At least it works for me. I don’t think it will suit everyone’s taste but I like it for it’s creativity and wit. I also love the warm colours Christian Jackson, the artist has used. And even if it’s not for you, don’t you think they’re still very worth looking at?
I can see these fairytale posters adorning a super modern kids room but I can also imagine them equally at home in an uber minimalist adult space. I’m finding it hard to choose a favourite but I am quite partial to Goldilocks and the 3 Bears and The ugly Duckling ones. Having said that, the Pinocchio and Rapunzel posters are pretty cool too. You can see the complete collection at Square Inch Design or if you want to buy, Modern Child have a selection on offer.
P.S. I love searching for cool, unusual nursery and kids room art. So if you want to see my other finds, head over to the Nursery Wall Art area.

Minimalist fairytale posters August 4, 2014 11:07AM
[…] quick start to the week with these beautiful minimalist fairytale posters. I featured these minimalist posters a long while ago but since then, there is a whole new range out and I’m loving them even […]