Stylish storage…

January 8, 2013

"toy storage sacks"

My daughters birthday is in December, just a couple of short weeks before Christmas.  That means come December we have an overload of new toys, games, books, clothes… the works!  For the first time this past December we had a proper birthday party for her which meant even more stuff.  Come the new year I seriously feel like her things have increased 10-fold.  While the big things always find a home, it’s the little bits and pieces that cause the problems and the mess.  Apart from giving a load of stuff to charity, I’m always on the look out for new storage solutions and when I last went looking, I found these super stylish storage sacks by Varpunen.  They come in 3 different sizes which are perfect for storing small and medium sized toys and besides they look great.  I love their geometric patterns; some subtle some bold but all cool and classy.  I’m loving the idea of having 3 or 4 of these lined up holding a range of different toys.  Of course these Varpunen storage sacks aren’t just for kids, they’d be equally at home in an adult space keeping your things tidy.

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  • HonestMum

    I totally hear you on the birthday and Christmas overload of gifts. Oliver’s birthday is this week and it seems to be getting out of hand. Like you we drop off to charity shops, give away and area always seeking non fussy, pretty storage. These are fab. Happy New Year you wonderful lady x

    • ebabee likes

      It gets totally crazy doesn’t it? I’m thinking of moving her birthday to July!! 🙂 Happy new year to you too and Happy, happy birthday to Oliver. x

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