Play & Go: Clever toy storage

February 3, 2016

clever toy storage living roomAt the end of each day do you despair at the sight of your living room?  Is it full of toys, craft materials, dressing up clothes, bits of lego and everything else that comes hand and hand with kids?   If your home is like mine, then the answer is probably a big, fat yes (please tell me I’m not the only one).  Kids love to play near their parents and this is true even for older kids.  Even if they have the coolest playroom in the world, they will bring their belongings and play right where you are.  And if you’re anywhere near the living room, then chances are each day your living room turns in to a bomb site!

toy storage ideas living room

I’ve been looking in to practical toy storage ideas as Anya always plays in the living room (we have an open plan kitchen next to it) so I’m either in the living room or kitchen.   I love that she wants to be near me but I also love a tidy living room at the end of each day.  Besides, stepping on little lego bits really hurts!  I recently came across Play & Go and I thought it was such a great solution.  It’s a bag that that folds out in to a play mat but more than that it makes tidying up so easy.  And the bag can easily be moved from one room to another and can be hung up for easy storage.  Clever!  Play & Go comes in many different designs and colours from monochrome (which I love) to brighter colours.  There are plain bags and patterned ones so it’s easy to find a colour/style that works in your home.  My hubby is a stickler for tidiness, so this is one purchase he’s going to be delighted about. 

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  • Mirka Moore @Kahanka

    Clever toy storage is the perfect title! This would be perfect especially for Olivia as she loves playing with her toys in our “adult living room” and it drives me mad collecting all the tiny pieces afterwards. Thanks for sharing!

    • ebabee likes

      I know what you mean. It’s back breaking picking up all those little itty-bitty toys! Anya spreads out all her craft beads, tiny papers and more. I am tempted to get this myself. xx

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