Recently my friend Ana from Pinknounou shared a really fun way to teach maths and I had to share it with you. The idea – using lego bricks to teach maths! This is such a creative idea, right? I’m all for doing anything and everything to make maths fun so that our kids develop a love for maths from an early age rather than a fear of it.
Using lego bricks to teach maths is such a genius idea. The bricks are tactile and colourful, making them fun to handle and therefore making learning maths more fun. Also, visually seeing the maths equations in front of you makes it so much easier to understand. Lego bricks are especially great to use for teaching fractions which can often be tricky for kids to understand but there are also so many other maths concepts that you can teach with Lego. This isn’t only for little kids who can of course learn simple addition and subtraction but Lego can also be used to teach more complex math concepts like multiplication, averages, graphs and more.
I wish more schools would teach maths in this way but in the meantime, ever since I discovered this idea, I’ve dug out all our lego and we often have a maths play! If you want to have a go at using lego bricks to teach maths, just google it and you will find loads and loads of ideas for children from pre-schoolers to pre-teens.

So clever, love this x
So clever indeed! Thanks xx
I have a feeling I will be using this method soon. Thanks for the tip! Happy multiplying!
Do! It’s fun for all involved. We haven’t used it for fractions yet but A is starting fractions in school so we too will be using it very soon and I am so sure she will understand it better (never hurts to be positive!).