Entries Tagged as 'circus wallpaper'

{Kids} wallpaper lust…

October 23, 2012

"kids circus wallpaper"

I love wallpaper.  Nearly every room in my home has some wallpaper either on the walls or I even use it to cover tables, chairs  and various other bits and pieces.  I often have this recurring dream where I move to a massive house and I have all these new blank walls to play with… such a sweet dream!  When it comes to kids wallpaper, I’m not always as keen because a lot of it can be too cutesy and colours can be bit too blah (think teddy bears prancing around in washed out shades).  But when I discovered Loboloup, ‘cutesy’ was a word that couldn’t have been further from my mind.  This circus themed wallpaper was the first one I saw and I loved the simple line style illustrations as well as the subtle colours brought to life with pops of bright orange.

"alphabet themed wallpaper"

Loboloup is a New York based boutique started by an aunt and niece team earlier this year.  So far, they only make a handful of modern kids wallpapers and a few matching cushions but what they do create is pretty cool like this ‘what’s your type’ wallpaper.  I love the deep blue colour and even though the design is busy it works because they’ve used different shades of just one colour.  And while modern in style, it still looks great with that vintage horse.  I found these papers at Wall-Library who have the entire range and also have some other fabulous designs (check out the Aimee Wilder collection).

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