Are your little girls crazy about the Disney princesses and characters? Anya isn’t obsessed with them (thankfully!) although she does like some of the characters – I don’t know too many little girls who don’t. But I am not a fan of all those plastic dolls and the synthetic, shiny clothes that come along with them. If you feel the same way then you’ll love these adorable alternatives that I recently came across. These Disney inspired princess cushions are colourful and so cute. They’re a great doll substitute and also double up as sweet little decorations when not being played with. The range isn’t very big at the moment but I’m hoping it will grow soon. So next time I get asked for a fairytale princess doll, I shall be opting for one of these no-plastic, natural ones.
Entries Tagged as 'kids cushions'
Fairytale cushions
February 2, 2015
6 of the best black and white cushions for kids
August 11, 2014
A couple of months ago I rounded up some of the best kids cushions around and many of my readers really enjoyed it so I thought I would do another round-up. Today though it’s about monochrome black and white cushions. I’m a big fan of cushions and believe you can never have too many. I love the idea of using a whole lot of black and white cushions in a kids room but if you like colour too, you can of course mix it up. Here are 6 black and white cushions that I’m loving at the moment:
1. sleepy head cushion | 2. polar bear cushion | 3. smiley cloud cushion | 4. miffy cushion | 5. panda bear cushions | 6. mountain range cushion
6 of the best kids cushions
June 24, 2014
I’m a huge fan of cushions for both kids and grown up spaces. I love how easily cushions can transform any room. And in a kids room they bring lots of colour and lots of fun as they often double up as playthings too. Here are 6 of the best kids cushions that are around at the moment:
1. hedgehog cushions in bright colours | 2. checked rabbit cushion | 3. dotty dinosaur cushion | 4. sleepy goodnight cushion | 5. bear cushion | 6. grey cactus cushion.
Beanie on helina…
January 22, 2014
It was the name – Beanie on Helina – that first got my attention. It’s such an unusual name for a shop. I discovered a stylish and sweet world of cushions that include clouds, houses and raindrops. Beanie on Helina is a Finnish shop by Kaisa Erkkila and you can totally see the stylish Scandinavian vibe. The name is inspired by a story Kaisa’s dad told her when she was a kid about a temperamental little girl who wore a beanie. In addition to cushions, Beanie on Helina also offers some cool home wares like cloud pot holders (which would also look nice on a kids room wall), pouches and jewelry.
mama & baby…
September 19, 2013
This week’s picks for mama & baby… let mama wear these polka-dotted knee high socks while baby decorates his room with that spotty cushion.
Flower power…
September 9, 2013
Autumn is officially here. I’m not a fan of the sudden change from long sunny days to chilly dark evenings and it always takes me a couple of weeks to adjust. So to brighten my mood I wanted to share something colourful and vibrant today and found these pretty floral duvet covers and cute cushions.
I’m loving the bright colors of the duvets and the playful designs of the cushions. My favourite is that bow print cushion with the little pink bow detail on it. All of it is very girly and sweet and perfect for cheering anybody up on this dull, grey day. You’ll find these kids duvet sets and cushions at File dans ta chambre.
Feeling green…
May 17, 2013
Yesterday my daughter had a play date with another little girl and they got hooked on the colour green. The two girls kept saying ‘green’ louder and louder and then bursting in to fits of laughter. They then started adding an extra word and coming up with things like ‘green toast’, ‘green dog’… the idea being to pair it with something that most definitely isn’t green. This produced more laughter and eventually the inevitable bathroom humour ensued followed by the loudest giggles ever! I don’t know how 4 year old minds work but I do know this little game tickled them pink! While I didn’t take part in the game, it did get me thinking of the colour green and I realised I’d never done a green post. I always think that green isn’t a colour I’m naturally drawn to but then again there are so many shades of it that there really is a green for everyone (my personal favourite is mint green) and so I thought it would be fun to look for a few things in different shades of green and here’s what I found:
1. green linen sunsuit by wolfechild… 2. minty green toddler duvet set by garbo & friends… 3. forest green firs pillowcase by fine little day… 4. shades of green bird poster by silke bonde… 5. ice-cream green playhouse by lucky boy sunday… 6. dark green book called Grandpa Green by Lane Smith.
Happy weekend all and see you next week!
Eat, play, love…
February 13, 2013
I’m not really in to the whole Valentines day thing. It’s a bit too commercial for me but I still appreciate the sentiment behind the day. If you’ve been a couple for a while it’s easy to take each other for granted so for me Valentines is a day to remember and appreciate all the little things I love about my husband. We have never exchanged gifts or celebrated in a big way but if the mood struck, we would do something impulsive and fun. Of course impulsive has gone out the window these days as having a child involves a lot of pre-planning. But tomorrow I am thinking of having a fun day and evening with child and husband. I haven’t yet decided what I’ll do as I’m such a last minute person but I do know it will involve the 3 things that matter most to us… eat, play and love! And with that in mind I gathered a few images that say just that to me:
1. An illustration of a pair of Valentines bears… 2. A heart decoration for the heart of your home … 3. A Valentines bread loaf to bake… 4. A fun and playful pillow called Harriet the heart
Meet the circus performers…
November 7, 2012
Recently I’ve been really keen to take my daughter to the circus. Last week I discovered the Insect Circus and it sounded like the perfect opportunity. I was all set to book tickets when illness struck and we ended up going nowhere. The Insect Circus has since left town so we’ll have to wait till it’s back. But while I was thinking about going I remembered a lovely collection of circus themed cushions, mugs, posters and trays for kids that I had seen over at Mimi’s Circus shop. It’s created by Famille Summerbelle, {who’s city cutout maps you may know}, who are an Anglo-French husband and wife team that design a small collection of things for the home. This ‘Performers’ collection immediately caught my attention because of the bold and bright colours as well as the cool illustrations. And after all which kid doesn’t like a bit of circus action in their life? Apart from the kids stuff there are also some colourful and fun tea towels that would brighten any kitchen. Head over to Famille Summerbelle to see the whole collection and when you’re there, do check out the cutout city maps if you haven’t seen them before.
Happy, pretty things…
November 6, 2012
I love discovering little shops full of pretty things that maybe you don’t necessarily need in your life but if you surround yourself with, you know they will brighten your day each time you see them. Paper Plane Home is one of those stores where I want nearly everything they sell because I know when I see those goodies dotted around my home, it will always bring a smile to my face. The store has lots of cute objects to decorate your home with and there’s plenty for kids as well as mama’s. I’m especially loving the apple shaped cushions, the pretty gift tags and also the rainy day tray. Visit Paper Plane Home to see more.
Update Sept 2014: Sadly Paper Plane Home has closed down.