Last month while I was in India I went to see my cousin’s baby who is just 6 months old. She was absolutely adorable with her huge eyes and cheeky little grin. While I was there she was taken in for a bath and came out wearing a simple striped bodysuit looking all fresh and smelling of that wonderful ‘just bathed baby smell’. I don’t often get broody but that special baby smell did it to me! I realised that it’s been a while since I’ve featured something purely for the tiniest little ones and so I went looking and couldn’t resist these delicious onesies and booties. Simple stripes and polka dots in the freshest colours make for lovely Spring essentials. They’re made by Nature Baby exclusively for J. Crew and are made of organic cotton and 100% chemical free materials so are perfect for a babies delicate skin. If only I had seen these before I think I would have been unable to resist the the bright yellow polka dot booties and matching onesie.