Entries Tagged as 'valentines'

Valentines yogurt hearts

February 8, 2016

valentines frozen yogurt bites

I like to mix up the kind of sweet treats we eat with healthy ones as well as pure indulgent ones in the mix. My latest healthy sweet treat obsession is frozen yogurt bites.  Lately we’ve become obsessed with the stuff even though it’s winter!  With Valentines day coming up, I thought it would be fun to make heart shaped versions of our frozen yogurt bites.

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valentines card free printable - ebabee

Do you celebrate Valentines day?  I don’t like the whole commercial side of it but I do like the sentiment behind the day.  And now with a child in the mix too, it’s more a day to celebrate love not just between a couple but all kinds of love.  That sounds a bit cheesy I know, but you get what I mean right?  I especially like the act of giving a simple card to loved ones so I asked the very talented Lucy Monkman who is a designer and illustrator to come up with a Valentines card printable for all of you.  Lucy has designed a super cute fairy scattering hearts which you can print out and the kids can simply colour in or you can make it in to a Valentines card to give out to whomever you like.

free valentines card printable - ebabeefree valentines card printable - ebabee

This cute free Valentines card printable is available to download in two sizes – A4 and A5.  To download just click the PDF in the size you want and print it out, ideally on to card.  For the A5 one you will have to choose A5 as the paper size on your printer settings before hitting print.  We have printed loads and Anya wants to give them out to all her besties at school.  A big thank you to Lucy Monkman for making this card exclusively for my readers.



Little gestures

February 14, 2014

"valentines heart cup cakes""cute little cupcakes"

Valentines day for me isn’t about the big gifts or fancy outings, it’s about little gestures and making that bit of extra effort for your loved ones.   Today I surprised Anya with some little cakes when she came home from school and she was delighted.  Cook something special, make something or even call that friend you’ve been meaning to call for months – any small gesture to show how much you appreciate your close family and friends.  After all it’s the little gestures that really make us feel loved.

Happy Valentines day and have a love-filled weekend! x

{photos by ebabee}

"easy valentines DIY for kids"

I’m beginning to think that 5 is the magical age when kids start becoming very aware and start realising a lot more about the world at large.  I guess it’s also got lots to do with starting school and expanding your horizons.  I know Anya is definitely much more aware of things that go way beyond her immediate world.   Yesterday she came home and asked me loads of questions about Valentines day.  Up till last year she didn’t have a clue.  So this Friday I thought I would do some fun crafts with her that didn’t require too many materials and most importantly ones that she can fully participate in.  Shes a big fan of anything heart shaped so I’ve found 4 ‘sweet heart’ crafts that look really nice but aren’t difficult.  I’m going to let her choose her favourites but I might just nudge her towards making those pretty heart crayons as we have a ton of crayons that could do with a new lease of life.

1. Valentines heart glasses – you can print them out in any colour you like and make as many as you want.  2.  Origami love hearts – cute little hearts to stick messages in or you could use them to decorate.  3. Valentines animal envelopes – from one of my favourite kids craft blogs, these cute envelopes are perfect to give little gifts, treats or notes to any special friends.  4.  DIY heart crayons – they make a nice change from regular crayons or you could give them as little gifts in those animal envelopes.

DIY love arrow kit

January 27, 2014

"Valentines DIY for kids""valentines day DIY for kids"

As a kid, did you ever give out little cards to your friends on Valentines day?  I did and it was just as fun to make the cards as it was to give them out.  With Valentines day less than 3 weeks away, I thought you might like this sweet DIY love arrow kit that I came across.  The kit contains everything you need to make 10 arrows with messages attached, the only extras you will use are scissors and glue.  Kids around 6 and over will be able to do this craft all by themselves and when they’re done they can add a personal message to each arrow.

"DIY love arrow valentines kit"

I’m so not in to the whole commercial side of Valentines day but I like the sentiment behind the day.  Doing a special DIY craft with the kids is a simple and sweet way to mark the day and perhaps follow that with a special family meal at home.  This love arrow kit is such a pretty DIY and a lot more unusual than giving out cards.  You’ll find the kit at Clafoutis (a lovely little party shop) who made it in collaboration with La maison de Loulou where you’ll find lots more beautiful DIY’s.

Eat, play, love…

February 13, 2013

"heart cushion, heart bread, heart poster"I’m not really in to the whole Valentines day thing.  It’s a bit too commercial for me but I still appreciate the sentiment behind the day.  If you’ve been a couple for a while it’s easy to take each other for granted so for me Valentines is a day to remember and appreciate all the little things I love about my husband.  We have never exchanged gifts or celebrated in a big way but if the mood struck, we would do something impulsive and fun.  Of course impulsive has gone out the window these days as having a child involves a lot of pre-planning.  But tomorrow I am thinking of having a fun day and evening with child and husband.  I haven’t yet decided what I’ll do as I’m such a last minute person but I do know it will involve the 3 things that matter most to us… eat, play and love!  And with that in mind I gathered a few images that say just that to me:

1.  An illustration of a pair of Valentines bears… 2.  A heart decoration for the heart of your home … 3. A Valentines bread loaf to bake… 4.  A fun and playful pillow called Harriet the heart

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