The glorious sunshine yellow with the simple wooden arches and colourful hanging toys, make for a baby play mat so stylish, it hurts! If only I’d known about this when I was in the play mat market (boo hoo). Made by an Italian toy company called Il Leccio, this baby play mat is super sleek but has everything a bambino would need to keep themselves entertained. And they say it can be put together and taken apart in a few minutes. But then again, this is one I would happily leave in full view… I’m thinking it’ll attract an admiring (even envious) glance or two! You can get your hands on this play mat form Il Leccio where it costs €50.90 plus €16 shipping to the UK.
P.S. Check out our baby auction site with lots of bargains.

The stylish Italiens have done it again. Makes you want to procreate just to purchase that mat!
I did consider that, but then remembered all the sleepless nights!