Recently I’ve been hunting around for useful apps for me and educational ones for Anya. We’re a bit bored of the apps we have and with so many out there I thought it was time to find some new ones. I will be sharing the good ones we come across as and when I find them. The first one I wanted to share with you was Think Dirty. I just wish I had discovered this app earlier!
Think Dirty has me hooked. Think dirty is a free app that rates your personal care products including cosmetics, skincare and kids toilertries on a dirty meter from 1-10 with 10 being the dirtiest. In a world where we are constantly being told that products, including baby products contain all kinds of harmful chemicals, this app is a must have. It tells you exactly what’s in the products, whats toxic, whats not and then suggests ‘cleaner’ personal care products and safe cosmetics brands that are similar. This part is so useful as you don’t have to go hunting around for alternatives. The video below explains it all:
The scanning bit didn’t work for me possibly because it’s an American app so the barcodes in the UK are probably different. But if you’re a US reader, you won’t have a problem. Typing though was fine. I found loads of big brands that I regularly use and I was shocked to find how ‘dirty’ many of them are. With one exception which has become a favourite beauty product of mine, most of my stuff is bad news. And I’ve checked out some of the kids toiletry brands I use on Anya and lets just say I will be changing nearly all of them.
We already know that a lot of our everyday beauty products contain so much harmful stuff but we don’t always know which ones are the worst. We could spend hours searching google to find safe cosmetics brands but Think Dirty does all that for you and for anything you use on your kids too. It has over 3.2k brands and over 350k products listed and is growing constantly. So while it doesn’t have any brands not available in the US, it has so many common, everyday ones that it’s definitely worth getting. And the app is free. What more could we want? Only downside is that you may never want to look at your current favourite beauty and baby products again!
*I discovered this app while browsing a Cup of Jo.
Honest Mum February 25, 2016 3:09PM
Wow need to use this, what a discovery, thanks for sharing xx
ebabee likes February 25, 2016 4:28PM
So useful, no? So important to know what we use x
Babes about Town February 26, 2016 10:57AM
Wow this sounds great, I do try and make an effort occasionally to ‘think cleaner’ e.g. with using white vinegar, lemon, bicarbonate of soda etc instead of household cleaning products (although I admit I’m often lazy on this front… and the cleaning front haha). But this app sounds handy indeed, thanks for sharing x
ebabee likes February 26, 2016 12:32PM
It is a useful little app. There are some brands that I thought were ‘clean’ but I now know they’re not as clean as they suggest they are. I am too lazy to make my own cleaning products but I should 😉
ebabee likes:A healthy deodorant that works - ebabee likes March 10, 2016 12:48PM
[…] few weeks ago I shared this app that tells you how toxic or not your cosmetics, toiletries and kids toiletries are simply by typing […]
thefolia March 10, 2016 9:14PM
Okay, I’m pathetic how do I download this app…so much info but I don’t see a download button. Can’t wait to start using this once I figure out how to download.
ebabee likes March 10, 2016 10:23PM
You’re not pathetic and you’re not the first person to ask me! If you have a smart phone, go to the app store, type in ‘think dirty’ and the app will come up so you can download. If that doesn’t work, email me (my email address is on my collaborate with me page or else ask Nick for my personal email).
nisha patel May 13, 2016 1:20PM
Thank you so much for sharing this on our natural health star fb page Nomita. This is a really interesting post and a very clever app. This is one of the many reasons we were inspired to start our business. Looking more closely at the products we use on our families and in our houses as well as the ingredients of the food we eat is all really important to us. Thanks again xxx
ebabee likes May 13, 2016 7:41PM
Thanks Nisha. I thought you would like the app – I find it very handy. It’s shocking how many big/well established brands have so many toxins in them. I am slowly switching nearly all my products as so many of them are full of toxins.xx